The purpose of this thread is to give you a look at the new G&G UMG. Hopefully there's something here you haven't seen before. I only got it an hour ago (swung by Airsoft Extreme during lunch), so this will be pretty superficial for now. I'm going to write an in-depth analysis later on. However if you have any questions ask away! smile.gif
A few quick notes:
1. According to Sean at AEX (who's opinion I have faith in), the hop rubber is kind of poor. This isn't unexpected, frankly. He says he's had good results using a replacement Systema part. I'll be investigating this in greater detail myself.
3. Sean reported to me that the production units chrono at 320FPS. Nice! I'll be testing this myself later, of course.
4. The only battery available (at the store) that would fit was a 8.4v 600mAh stick battery. However, in the manual a custom "G&G UMG Type" double-column 9.6v 1000mAh pack is pictured. No more info on the battery pack is available at this time AFAIK. I presume it is built with 'AA' or smaller diameter cells, there's no way a double column pack made with 'A' diameter cells will fit. I have a theory, if sub-C diameter cells fit, perhaps a high capacity (3000mAh or greater) 7.2v stick could work. If it had a high enough discharge rate, it could yield a high ROF while having longer life than packs based on smaller cells. I'm going to look into this, and other battery options further.
5. The whole thing feels extremely solid! I'm a very happy camper at the moment...
On to the pictures (Due to ten-per-post limit, this will be in multiple parts):
The box
The Foam

The Lowcap say's it's a Hicap?

Mag end markings

Side rails, screws, loading tool, cleaning rod, manual. They've thoughtfully included an extra screw in case you'd like to remove the handstop/front sling attachment. The manual is very nice too! It has great instrustions on proper use and take down. I'll try and scan it later

UMG, stock folded
Front, barrel cap on
Selector lever and markings

Serial number plate and other markings
