Mir war langweilig am Samstag und so hab ich an Endoshoji
http://www.endoshoji.com/ eine Email geschrieben mit der Frage was ein SHOEI MG42 kosten w?rde mit Versand. Die Email schmiess mich, gelinde ausgedr?ckt, vom Hocker, aber lest selbst.

Dear XXXXXXXX,Thank you for choosing Endoshoji as your quality
on line dealer.
MGS102-G SHOEI MG42 is in stock at this moment but we
do have limited sets in and please see the quote for
it as below information.
Once we have confirmed the payment and we will sent
your order item out by EMS(Japan post express mail).
Parcel normally takes 4-6 working days to arrived in
MGS102-G SHOEI MG42 x1 = US$1985
Shipping = US$245
Status: In stock
Package include:instruction menu/ 5 solid dummy
cartridge in train/ bipod
Payment method:
For the payment method that we only accept Direct Bank
To Bank Transfer/Money Wiring for this item.
If you see any questions, please feel free to contact
with us, we will be happy to assist you.
Best Regards
Endoshoji sales department
EEndoshoji Inc. < make your hobby life variably >
Ewebsite: http://www.endoshoji.com/
Ee-mail: info@endoshoji.com
Also, wer will sich so ein Teil im Verein zulegen und es dem Team LHAT f?r Fotos zur Verf?gung stellen

[ge?ndert von Satsch am März 14, 2005, 22:43:51 Nachmittag]