Autor Thema: Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...  (Gelesen 8992 mal)

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Offline pedaa

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« am: Juli 20, 2005, 15:43:46 Nachmittag »
... und zwar aus England:

Lie?t sich durchwegs positiv ... mal gucken ob der Tenor von weiteren Reviews so bleibt - vielleicht landet ja dann auch mal eine in meinem arsenal *g*

Offline Gundalf

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #1 am: Juli 20, 2005, 21:26:57 Nachmittag »
*fap fap fap fap*... %)
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Offline Bonkers

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #2 am: Juli 21, 2005, 09:27:49 Vormittag »
k?nnte wer den Text posten, da der gute Arnie bei mir in der Firma geblockt wird?!

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Offline Gundalf

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #3 am: Juli 21, 2005, 09:38:09 Vormittag »
Erstellt von Bonkers

k?nnte wer den Text posten, da der gute Arnie bei mir in der Firma geblockt wird?!

Langsam frag ich mich, in was f?r einer administrativen Faschistenbude du hackelst... Ich mein mir ist schon klar, da? die Leute arbeiten und nicht nur surfen sollen, aber zb in der Mittagspause kann keiner was dagegen sagen (solang du nicht Pornos an dir schrubbend im B?ro konsumierst oder so). Aber immer alles mirrorn weil behinderte Admin-Dummbeutel irgendwelche Content Filter einbauen (die zwar auch das blocken was sie sollen, daf?r 90% von allem anderen auch).
Sorry, aber ich bin Zensurgegner und mich regt so eine Scheisse f?rchterlich auf... :motz:

[X] PETR 2012 - Because life is short and not voting for him will only make it shorter

Offline Bonkers

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #4 am: Juli 21, 2005, 09:50:45 Vormittag »
Ja was soll ich sagen, das einzige das bei mir geht ist aus der AS-Szene
Austrian Airsoft Forum

und das wars der Rest wird geblockt, entweder durch folgende Begriffe
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Sprich ich kann nichts machen.
Das schlimme ist der Conent Filter ist nicht firmenintern sondern von irgend einer Firma bereitgestellt. Dieser Filter wurde eh schon entsch?rft da der wirklich ALLES blocken w?rde.

The incompetent leading the unwilling to do the unnecessary
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Offline pedaa

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #5 am: Juli 21, 2005, 11:07:12 Vormittag »
Nun bei uns hat sich neulich der Chef mal ?ber den Filter aufgeregt und jetzt scheint er weg zu sein (seit kurzem kann ich wieder auf zugreifen) ...

4 Bonkers:

I must say, the gearbox of the M249 purrs like no other CA, TM, or ics gun I have ever shot. The shots are soft sounding and the gear noise is at a minimum. (8mm bearings have anythign to do with that?)

Spring can be changed by taking one pin out, lifting up the feed tray and pressing a lever. Of course you would never go over the provided 1j spring...

I shot a 800rd burst (continous without letting off the trigger) and emptied a 2400 rd box mag in under 5 min.

...didnt even pop the fuse.

The hop up is the nicest hop up... peroid. I adjusted it once and havent touched it.... something I cannot say for other CA guns I have owned and worked on.

The body is actually WELDED metal and looks absolutley beautiful.

MkII stock is very sturdy and holds 9.6v battery w/o mods.

Rear sight is nice.

Solid and useful folding carry handle.

Quick release barrel, with the flick of a lever the whole barrel assembly (outter and inner) comes of in 2 seconds, this allows easy clearing of jams in the field too.

I also got a CA M249 electric winding box mag with mine... very nice, little bit of a tight fit but thats not a bad thing. The box mag feeds flawlessly!

Effective range seems just below that of a M120 upgraded long rifle. Definatley the best shooting stock gun I have ever used!

Things that I dont like:

CANNOT get the flash hider off... but I haven't given up yet.
Ejection port does not open.
Spring tension on bipod legs could be stiffer.

Feel free to ask me questions about the M249 and requests for pics on cartian parts.

Paar Bilder:

@Gundalf - weil wir gestern dr?ber gsprochen haben: DIe Bullets sind nicht im Box Mag dabei - heut hat der Typ gesagt das er sich die Fake bullets selbst draufgetuckert hat ...

Offline Bonkers

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #6 am: Juli 21, 2005, 11:10:42 Vormittag »
muchos gracias Pedaa!

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Offline pedaa

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #7 am: Juli 21, 2005, 11:22:23 Vormittag »
ba ... ich komm ja schon garnimma runter von meiner dauer sabberei ... ich will auch sowas ...

Offline pedaa

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #8 am: Juli 21, 2005, 11:28:17 Vormittag »
Hier noch ein Review: jedoch von einem Prototypen

Offline Bonkers

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #9 am: Juli 21, 2005, 11:47:57 Vormittag »

Reason: The Websense category "Weapons" is filtered.

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #10 am: Juli 21, 2005, 14:24:10 Nachmittag »
Airsoft Extreme Review of the Classic Army CA249

We recently received a CA249 preproduction model from Spartan Imports for review. The overall look and feel is virtually identical to the TOP version. In addition, it includes the ?PGC? style gearbox with 8mm bearing bushings so standard AEG upgrade parts can be used. The CA249 has all the features you could ask for an M249 out of the box. Much like the regular line of Classic Army guns, the CA249 is equipped with the same metal parts and plastic parts that you would see on its real counterpart. The weight seems to be about the same as a fully loaded TOP model with a PGC gearbox. We broke this review down in a few different categories for easier reading:


As mentioned above, it looks and feels just like the TOP version with a PGC gearbox installed already. The only thing missing would be the ?FN? logos and trade marks. Not a big deal considering that they are barely noticeable on the TOP model. The charging handle operates just like the TOP version and makes a very satisfactory ?Clink? sound when pulled back and let go ? perfect for pretending to ?lock and load?. The carry handle feels very solid and can be folded just like on the Top M249 Mark II and Paratrooper versions.

The CA249 came standard with US Style hand-guards and heat shield.

The outer barrel can be removed with the lever just like the TOP model.

The ABS plastic bits have a nice flat finish like Classic Army?s M15 line and are not shiny black like the TOP versions. The feed tray cover is made of metal (as opposed to plastic on the Top M249?s) and adds a little weight overall to the weapon compared to the TOP model. The one bad point with the external parts was the stock. It was secured to the gun with one bolt inside the center front of the stock and ended up breaking off easily on our sample. This problem should be addressed and can be easily fixed with a better design from Classic Army. Meanwhile, take extra care handling the stock.


The overall performance is much like the regular line of AEG?s offered by Classic Army. Out of the box, this sample fires smoothly, shooting approximately 320-330 fps with 0.20g Excel BB?s. The gun draws about 12-13 AMPs with the stock spring. We are not sure if this will be the velocity on the production CA249?s but it is the average fps for stock CA M15?s. Since the gun comes with a ?PGC? style gearbox, it can be upgraded just like any other normal AEG using Systema, CA, Guarder, G&G, or even Tokyo Marui parts.

This gearbox is virtually IDENTICAL in appearance and dimensions to the PGC gearbox. The only difference is the CA249 gearbox is cast whereas the PGC gearbox is machined. The tappet plate is a Ver 2 and the spring guide is a Ver 2 as well and it has a CA short type motor. The cylinder sleeve is exposed in the CA gearbox unlike the PGC gearbox where the sides are solid. Therefore, the CA gearbox may have the risk of cracking at the stress points in the front of the cylinder as in any regular AEG gearbox. However, we have experienced very few cracked gearboxes in CA guns in general and are not too worried about this potential weak point. Replacement gearboxes should be available from Spartan Imports if required.

The rear of the gearbox has a lever that can allow the user to remove the stock spring and upgrade the velocity or even lower it. The gears are the same gears used in all the other CA models and it would be recommended to upgrade the gears to torque up or super torque up for springs that would produce 450fps or higher.

The hopup unit and inner barrel is not secured to outer barrel as in the Top M249?s. It is secured to the front of the mechbox and nozzle. The hopup has a spring like a Tokyo Marui P90 or AUG hopup to give it some resistance back into the gearbox. The benefits of this would be better seal against the gearbox. It also eliminates potential feeding problems from outer barrel misalignment that occurs easily on some Top M249?s, especially those with PGC mechbox upgrades. You will have to take care to remove the outer barrel straight till it clears the inner barrel before angling it in anyway. If you pull up on the outer barrel as you remove it, it could snap the nozzle off.

Also, the hopup unit on the barrel has a notch which lines up with a groove in the feed mechanism in front of the gearbox. No need to spend time lining up the barrel and also helps to eliminate feeding issues. The sample gun fed flawlessly and never seemed to skip when fired long full auto bursts.

The rate of fire with a 9.6v battery was around 800-900 rounds per minute. We changed the springs to see what velocity we would get and how it would perform. We installed a Guarder SP110 spring first and the CA249 shot 370-380fps with 0.20g Excel BB?s drawing 14-15 AMPs. The rate of fire with a 9.6v power source was around 800rpm. I then installed a Guarder SP120 spring and the velocity was 405-412fp...

... dereinst haben wir alle dasselbe schicksal ...

Offline Gundalf

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #11 am: Juli 21, 2005, 16:02:08 Nachmittag »
Noch immer *fapfapfapfap* :p
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Offline pedaa

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #12 am: Juli 21, 2005, 16:14:11 Nachmittag »
wir werden auch noch eine abbekommen ...

unsere zeit wird kommen mein junger sch?ler ... und dann werden die SWUTs wieder die Galaxis regieren ...

Offline Gundalf

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Erste Eindr?cke vom CA M249 Minimi ...
« Antwort #13 am: Juli 21, 2005, 16:20:54 Nachmittag »
Erstellt von pedaa

wir werden auch noch eine abbekommen ...

unsere zeit wird kommen mein junger sch?ler ... und dann werden die SWUTs wieder die Galaxis regieren ...

Ja, mein Meister :hail:
Jeder SWUTler, der von dann an bei einem Spiel weniger als 50 Euros in BBs verschiesst (pro Runde) wird dazu gezwungen, 1000BBs vom Waldboden aufzuklauben :D
Und sie zu putzen. Mit einer Zahnb?rste... %)
[X] PETR 2012 - Because life is short and not voting for him will only make it shorter